
Customers can interact using our Multi-channel feature through a variety of avenues including email, Facebook, and campaigns. Through email, they can send detailed inquiries or feedback, while Facebook provides a platform for discussions and updates. Additionally, campaigns serve as targeted outreach efforts to engage customers and encourage their participation. With these diverse channels, we ensure that customers can conveniently interact with us based on their preferences and needs, fostering stronger connections and enhancing their overall experience.

Connect through Emails

Emails are a key component of our Multi-channel feature, enabling customers to conveniently reach out with inquiries, feedback, or requests. We ensure prompt and personalized responses, keeping customers informed about updates and promotions while fostering engagement and satisfaction.

Facebook Leads

By adding leads through their Facebook accounts, customers benefit from a seamless and efficient process of engaging with us. This feature simplifies the integration of leads into our system, eliminating the need for manual data entry and ensuring accuracy. By leveraging the connectivity of Facebook, we offer customers a user-friendly method to initiate contact and express interest in our products or services.


You can also conveniently integrate leads into our system by uploading CVS files. This method provides a straightforward way to transfer lead data into our platform, ensuring accuracy and efficiency in lead management. With the ability to upload CVS files, customers have the flexibility to import leads in bulk, saving time and effort compared to manual data entry.

Receive Information from your Campaigns

You can also acquire information and engage with us through your own campaigns. By running your marketing initiatives, you can reach your target audience and generate interest in your products or services. These campaigns may include email newsletters, social media promotions, advertising efforts, and more. Through your campaigns, you can gather valuable insights into consumer preferences, behaviour, and trends, enabling you to refine your strategies and improve your marketing effectiveness.

Manage Leads

The system enhances agent-client interactions for business growth.

Add Inquires & Leads

There are three categories you can add. General, Customer and Property

Spam Filtering

If a spam number is found, the system detects and informs the user.

View Leads

The Lead Tab displays three columns: Queue, In Progress, and Completed.

FAQs about Morel

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

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